Virtual Conference
17th -21st May 2021
Session Title: Strategic Agility in The Age of Disruption
Shlomo Tarba is Full Professor of Strategy and International Business at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is a Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences and a Co-Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Management. He served as a guest-editor for special issues at Long Range Planning, Journal of Organizational Behavior, California Management Review, and Human Resource Management (US). His research interests include M&A, ambidexterity, agility, and resilience. Prof. Tarba's papers are published in journals such as Journal of Management (SAGE), Long Range Planning, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Human Relations, and Human Resource Management (US), and Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, and others.
Session Title: Strategic Agility in The Age of Disruption
Shlomo Tarba is Full Professor of Strategy and International Business at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is a Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences and a Co-Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Management. He served as a guest-editor for special issues at Long Range Planning, Journal of Organizational Behavior, California Management Review, and Human Resource Management (US). His research interests include M&A, ambidexterity, agility, and resilience. Prof. Tarba's papers are published in journals such as Journal of Management (SAGE), Long Range Planning, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Human Relations, and Human Resource Management (US), and Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, and others.
Session title: Digital Entrepreneurship: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation for Digitalization Success
He holds a doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences from Klagenfurt University, Austria, a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Helsinki University of Technology and a Habilitation (Venia Docendi) from Lappeenranta University of Technology, both in Finland. Before, he held Full Professor positions at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, the University of Liechtenstein, École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur Paris, France, and at Durham University, United Kingdom. He also held Visiting Professor positions at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and was EECPCL Participating Professor at Harvard University. His main research areas are Strategy, Internationalization, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is the author of more than 100 academic articles, his research being published in journals such as: Global Strategy Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of World Business, or Long Range Planning.
Info The leading German financial magazine “Wirtschaftswoche” ranked Professor Kraus no. 2 of all German-speaking Business & Management professors in the category “Current Research Performance” in 2020.
Session title: Digital Entrepreneurship: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation for Digitalization Success
He holds a doctorate in Social and Economic Sciences from Klagenfurt University, Austria, a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Helsinki University of Technology and a Habilitation (Venia Docendi) from Lappeenranta University of Technology, both in Finland. Before, he held Full Professor positions at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, the University of Liechtenstein, École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur Paris, France, and at Durham University, United Kingdom. He also held Visiting Professor positions at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and was EECPCL Participating Professor at Harvard University. His main research areas are Strategy, Internationalization, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is the author of more than 100 academic articles, his research being published in journals such as: Global Strategy Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of World Business, or Long Range Planning.
Info The leading German financial magazine “Wirtschaftswoche” ranked Professor Kraus no. 2 of all German-speaking Business & Management professors in the category “Current Research Performance” in 2020.
Topic: Digital Transformation: Evaluating Emerging Technologies
Digital transformation is here and selecting the right technology is even much more critical today than ever. Evaluation of technologies should not be taken lightly because there are multiple perspectives which needs to be considered. These multiple perspectives include technical, economic, environmental, social and political. This talk will review technology evaluation research and practice in sectors which are likely to impact the new decade including healthcare, energy, smart cities, transportation and robotics.
Dr. Tugrul Daim is a Professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology Management. He is also the director of the Technology Management Doctoral program at Portland State University. Dr. Daim leads a research group on Technology Evaluations and Research Applications. His group has had more than 20 PhD graduates. He is currently advising more than 15 PhD students. Over 15 visiting scholars from all around the world have joined his group in the last decade. Dr. Daim is recognized worldwide for his research leadership in roadmapping and forecasting technologies. He has published over 200 refereed journal papers, more than 20 special issues and more than 20 books. He is the Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Recent studies identified his research as one of those making the highest impact in the areas of technology forecasting and roadmapping. His research group has been supported by National Science Foundation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Energy Trust of Oregon, US Dept of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, EPRI, Biotronik, Ford Motor Corporation, Intel Corporation, US Aid, Fullbright, Maseeh Foundation, Oregon BEST and Oregon Health and Science University. Prior to joining PSU, Professor Daim worked at Intel Corporation for over a decade in varying management roles including the management of product and technology development. During his tenure at PSU, he had worked very closely with Bonneville Power Administration to develop a research and technology management framework run by technology roadmaps. He made more than 200 conference presentations and gave several keynote lectures. He sits on the board of many academic institutions and industrial organizations. He is a member of the R&D Advisory Board for TUPRAS, the largest industrial firm in Turkey. Professor Daim has been teaching in summers at the Northern Institute of Technology at Technical University of Hamburg, Harburg for over a decade. He was given the Research Publication Award by the International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT) and Fellow Award by the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) both in 2014. He was awarded Leading Research Fellowship at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow in 2018 and Honorary Chair Professor title by Chao Yang University of Technology in 2019. At PSU he was given David E Wedge Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2017, Outstanding Engineering Researcher Award given by the Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Sigma Xi Research Honorary in 2011 and Distinguished Alumni Award by PSU College of Eng'g and Comp Sci in 2003. Dr. Daim was the President of Omega Rho, International Honor Society in Operations Research and Management Science (of INFORMS) between the years of 2014 and 2016. He founded the PSU Chapter of Omega Rho as the founding President and has been the Faculty Adviser for 20 years. Professor Daim received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Bogazici University in Turkey, MS in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, MS in Engineering Management from Portland State University, and Ph.D. in Systems Science: Engineering Management from Portland State University in Portland Oregon.
Topic: Digital Transformation: Evaluating Emerging Technologies
Digital transformation is here and selecting the right technology is even much more critical today than ever. Evaluation of technologies should not be taken lightly because there are multiple perspectives which needs to be considered. These multiple perspectives include technical, economic, environmental, social and political. This talk will review technology evaluation research and practice in sectors which are likely to impact the new decade including healthcare, energy, smart cities, transportation and robotics.
Dr. Tugrul Daim is a Professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology Management. He is also the director of the Technology Management Doctoral program at Portland State University. Dr. Daim leads a research group on Technology Evaluations and Research Applications. His group has had more than 20 PhD graduates. He is currently advising more than 15 PhD students. Over 15 visiting scholars from all around the world have joined his group in the last decade. Dr. Daim is recognized worldwide for his research leadership in roadmapping and forecasting technologies. He has published over 200 refereed journal papers, more than 20 special issues and more than 20 books. He is the Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Recent studies identified his research as one of those making the highest impact in the areas of technology forecasting and roadmapping. His research group has been supported by National Science Foundation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Energy Trust of Oregon, US Dept of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, EPRI, Biotronik, Ford Motor Corporation, Intel Corporation, US Aid, Fullbright, Maseeh Foundation, Oregon BEST and Oregon Health and Science University. Prior to joining PSU, Professor Daim worked at Intel Corporation for over a decade in varying management roles including the management of product and technology development. During his tenure at PSU, he had worked very closely with Bonneville Power Administration to develop a research and technology management framework run by technology roadmaps. He made more than 200 conference presentations and gave several keynote lectures. He sits on the board of many academic institutions and industrial organizations. He is a member of the R&D Advisory Board for TUPRAS, the largest industrial firm in Turkey. Professor Daim has been teaching in summers at the Northern Institute of Technology at Technical University of Hamburg, Harburg for over a decade. He was given the Research Publication Award by the International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT) and Fellow Award by the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) both in 2014. He was awarded Leading Research Fellowship at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow in 2018 and Honorary Chair Professor title by Chao Yang University of Technology in 2019. At PSU he was given David E Wedge Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2017, Outstanding Engineering Researcher Award given by the Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Sigma Xi Research Honorary in 2011 and Distinguished Alumni Award by PSU College of Eng'g and Comp Sci in 2003. Dr. Daim was the President of Omega Rho, International Honor Society in Operations Research and Management Science (of INFORMS) between the years of 2014 and 2016. He founded the PSU Chapter of Omega Rho as the founding President and has been the Faculty Adviser for 20 years. Professor Daim received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Bogazici University in Turkey, MS in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, MS in Engineering Management from Portland State University, and Ph.D. in Systems Science: Engineering Management from Portland State University in Portland Oregon.
Prof. Dr. Gulgun Kayakutlu is currently teaching Intelligent Optimization and Modelling courses in the Energy Institute of Istanbul Technical University. Before joining the University, she was the founder and General Manager of Sybase Turkey, where she managed several real-time transaction projects in the private sector and many B2B projects in the Government sector. She developed strong international team-work skills in Middle East Technical University and worked for the OECD and the International Energy Agency for over 7 years in Paris (1982-1990). Hence, she continues working in the energy field. Kayakutlu has given Graduate courses in Southern Illinois University and PSU and run two European projects MIRIAD- Regional Innovation and CAMAPOLI-Game to create awareness of climate change. She wrote a book named “Intelligence in Energy” published by Elsevier in 2017 and co-edited “Computational Intelligence Applications in the Energy Field” published by Springer in 2018. Kayakutlu has already supervised several graduate thesis and published a considerable number of articles in SCI and SSCI reviewed journals on Energy Optimization and Intelligence fields.
Prof. Dr. Gulgun Kayakutlu is currently teaching Intelligent Optimization and Modelling courses in the Energy Institute of Istanbul Technical University. Before joining the University, she was the founder and General Manager of Sybase Turkey, where she managed several real-time transaction projects in the private sector and many B2B projects in the Government sector. She developed strong international team-work skills in Middle East Technical University and worked for the OECD and the International Energy Agency for over 7 years in Paris (1982-1990). Hence, she continues working in the energy field. Kayakutlu has given Graduate courses in Southern Illinois University and PSU and run two European projects MIRIAD- Regional Innovation and CAMAPOLI-Game to create awareness of climate change. She wrote a book named “Intelligence in Energy” published by Elsevier in 2017 and co-edited “Computational Intelligence Applications in the Energy Field” published by Springer in 2018. Kayakutlu has already supervised several graduate thesis and published a considerable number of articles in SCI and SSCI reviewed journals on Energy Optimization and Intelligence fields.
Maja Vuković is an IBM Fellow, responsible for technical and research strategy for AI driven Application Modernization. Maja is a member of IBM Academy of Technology and an IBM Master Inventor, with over 145 patents granted. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, and was awarded Women in Services Computing Award by IEEE. Maja has received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, for her work on context-aware service composition using AI planning.
Maja Vuković is an IBM Fellow, responsible for technical and research strategy for AI driven Application Modernization. Maja is a member of IBM Academy of Technology and an IBM Master Inventor, with over 145 patents granted. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, and was awarded Women in Services Computing Award by IEEE. Maja has received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, for her work on context-aware service composition using AI planning.
About the Journal:
This is a Transformative Journal.
Technology in Society is an international journal devoted to the global discourse at the intersection of technological change and the social, economic, business and philosophical transformation of the world around around us. The goal of the journal is to provide scholarship that enables decision-makers to thoughtfully and intentionally engage in the decisions that shape this dynamic. The common thread across these fields is the role of technology in society across economic, political and cultural dynamics. Scholarly work in Technology in Society focuses on the social forces that shape technological decisions and the choices that are open to society with respect to technology uses. This includes scholarly and theoretical approaches (history and philosophy of science and technology, technology forecasting, economic growth, and policy, ethics), applied approaches (business innovation, technology management, legal and engineering) and approaches that are from a development perspective (technology transfer, technology assessment and economic development).
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.
About the Journal:
This is a Transformative Journal.
Technology in Society is an international journal devoted to the global discourse at the intersection of technological change and the social, economic, business and philosophical transformation of the world around around us. The goal of the journal is to provide scholarship that enables decision-makers to thoughtfully and intentionally engage in the decisions that shape this dynamic. The common thread across these fields is the role of technology in society across economic, political and cultural dynamics. Scholarly work in Technology in Society focuses on the social forces that shape technological decisions and the choices that are open to society with respect to technology uses. This includes scholarly and theoretical approaches (history and philosophy of science and technology, technology forecasting, economic growth, and policy, ethics), applied approaches (business innovation, technology management, legal and engineering) and approaches that are from a development perspective (technology transfer, technology assessment and economic development).
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.
About the Journal:
Review of Managerial Science (RMS) provides a forum for innovative research from all scientific areas of business administration. The journal publishes original research of high quality and is open to various methodological approaches (analytical modeling, empirical research, experimental work, methodological reasoning etc.). The scope of RMS encompasses – but is not limited to – accounting, auditing, banking, business strategy, corporate governance, entrepreneurship, financial structure and capital markets, health economics, human resources management, information systems, innovation management, insurance, marketing, organization, production and logistics, risk management and taxation. RMS also encourages the submission of papers combining ideas and/or approaches from different areas in an innovative way. Review papers presenting the state of the art of a research area and pointing out new directions for further research are also welcome. The scientific standards of RMS are guaranteed by a rigorous, double-blind peer review process with ad hoc referees and the journal´s internationally composed editorial board.
About the Journal:
Review of Managerial Science (RMS) provides a forum for innovative research from all scientific areas of business administration. The journal publishes original research of high quality and is open to various methodological approaches (analytical modeling, empirical research, experimental work, methodological reasoning etc.). The scope of RMS encompasses – but is not limited to – accounting, auditing, banking, business strategy, corporate governance, entrepreneurship, financial structure and capital markets, health economics, human resources management, information systems, innovation management, insurance, marketing, organization, production and logistics, risk management and taxation. RMS also encourages the submission of papers combining ideas and/or approaches from different areas in an innovative way. Review papers presenting the state of the art of a research area and pointing out new directions for further research are also welcome. The scientific standards of RMS are guaranteed by a rigorous, double-blind peer review process with ad hoc referees and the journal´s internationally composed editorial board.
About the Journal:
Management of technical functions such as research, development, and engineering in industry, government, university, and other settings. Emphasis is on studies carried on within an organization to help in decision making or policy formation for RD&E.
ISSN: 0018-9391
Tugrul U. Daim
Department of Engineering and Technology Management
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207 USA
Phone:+1 503-725-4582
Editorial Office
Rebecca Hytowitz
Publications Peer Review Support Specialist
IEEE Publishing Operations
Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA
Phone: +1 732-562-6070
About the Journal:
Management of technical functions such as research, development, and engineering in industry, government, university, and other settings. Emphasis is on studies carried on within an organization to help in decision making or policy formation for RD&E.
ISSN: 0018-9391
Tugrul U. Daim
Department of Engineering and Technology Management
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207 USA
Phone:+1 503-725-4582
Editorial Office
Rebecca Hytowitz
Publications Peer Review Support Specialist
IEEE Publishing Operations
Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA
Phone: +1 732-562-6070
About the journal:
A major forum for those wishing to deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting and future studies as planning tools as they interrelate social, environmental and technological factors.
About the journal:
A major forum for those wishing to deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting and future studies as planning tools as they interrelate social, environmental and technological factors.
About the journal:
Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of managing knowledge in a wide range of organizations (SMEs, large corporations, MNCs, global firms). The journal publishes innovative, rigorous and original research and studies by academic, business and government contributors on strategies, tools, techniques and technologies for Knowledge Management.
JKM covers all the key issues in its field including:
Developing an appropriate culture and communication strategy of knowledge management theories and practices
Integrating strategic knowledge management and knowledge infrastructures into real-daily management situations
Managing knowledge flows and practical applications into learning organizations
Information organization and retrieval technologies for improving the quality of knowledge use inside innovative, worldwide firms
Linking knowledge management to performance initiatives, to financial decisions and to asset management
Retaining knowledge - human and intellectual capital
Using information technology and systems to develop knowledge management within innovative enterprises
Linking knowledge management to decision support systems
Understanding customer knowledge management to support marketing processes
Connecting knowledge management to innovation systems, trajectories and technological management forecasting
Processing and understanding big data information to support management decision
Measuring the value of knowledge already within an organization
Discovering what lies beyond knowledge management in real-enterprise scenarios
Key benefits
As a subscriber to Journal of Knowledge Management, you will be able to:
Advance your understanding of knowledge management as a management core competency
Learn how to put knowledge management to work to gain competitive advantages for any kind of firm
Explore implementation techniques of knowledge management formal strategies as well as of related managerial and IS tools
Share knowledge through debate and information exchange
Find out how to overcome the main barriers to knowledge management
Benchmark your current knowledge management practices against best practice organizations.
Develop a research agenda to inform policy making and strategic management decisions
Assess new directions in knowledge management.
About the journal:
Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of managing knowledge in a wide range of organizations (SMEs, large corporations, MNCs, global firms). The journal publishes innovative, rigorous and original research and studies by academic, business and government contributors on strategies, tools, techniques and technologies for Knowledge Management.
JKM covers all the key issues in its field including:
Developing an appropriate culture and communication strategy of knowledge management theories and practices
Integrating strategic knowledge management and knowledge infrastructures into real-daily management situations
Managing knowledge flows and practical applications into learning organizations
Information organization and retrieval technologies for improving the quality of knowledge use inside innovative, worldwide firms
Linking knowledge management to performance initiatives, to financial decisions and to asset management
Retaining knowledge - human and intellectual capital
Using information technology and systems to develop knowledge management within innovative enterprises
Linking knowledge management to decision support systems
Understanding customer knowledge management to support marketing processes
Connecting knowledge management to innovation systems, trajectories and technological management forecasting
Processing and understanding big data information to support management decision
Measuring the value of knowledge already within an organization
Discovering what lies beyond knowledge management in real-enterprise scenarios
Key benefits
As a subscriber to Journal of Knowledge Management, you will be able to:
Advance your understanding of knowledge management as a management core competency
Learn how to put knowledge management to work to gain competitive advantages for any kind of firm
Explore implementation techniques of knowledge management formal strategies as well as of related managerial and IS tools
Share knowledge through debate and information exchange
Find out how to overcome the main barriers to knowledge management
Benchmark your current knowledge management practices against best practice organizations.
Develop a research agenda to inform policy making and strategic management decisions
Assess new directions in knowledge management.
About the Journal:
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development is unique in that it addresses the central factors in economic development - entrepreneurial vitality and innovation - as local and regional phenomena. It provides a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of entrepreneurship and small firm development and for those studying and developing the local and regional context in which entrepreneurs emerge, innovate and establish the new economic activities which drive economic growth and create new economic wealth and employment. The Journal focuses on the diverse and complex characteristics of local and regional economies which lead to entrepreneurial vitality and endow the large and small firms within them with international competitiveness.
About the Journal:
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development is unique in that it addresses the central factors in economic development - entrepreneurial vitality and innovation - as local and regional phenomena. It provides a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of entrepreneurship and small firm development and for those studying and developing the local and regional context in which entrepreneurs emerge, innovate and establish the new economic activities which drive economic growth and create new economic wealth and employment. The Journal focuses on the diverse and complex characteristics of local and regional economies which lead to entrepreneurial vitality and endow the large and small firms within them with international competitiveness.
The Journal of Business Venturing: A Journal Dedicated to Entrepreneurship provides a scholarly forum for sharing useful and interesting theories, narratives, and interpretations of the antecedents, mechanisms, and/or consequences of entrepreneurship.
This multi-disciplinary, multi-functional, and multi-contextual journal aspires to deepen our understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon in its myriad of forms. The journal publishes entrepreneurship research from (1) the disciplines of economics, psychology, and sociology and welcomes research from other disciplines such as anthropology, geography, history, and so on, (2) the functions of finance/accounting, management, marketing, and strategy and welcomes research from other functions such as operations, information technology, public policy, medicine, law, music, and so on, and (3) the contexts of international and sustainability (environmental and social) and welcomes research from other contexts such as high uncertainty, dynamism, time pressured, emotional, and so on.
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.
The Journal of Business Venturing: A Journal Dedicated to Entrepreneurship provides a scholarly forum for sharing useful and interesting theories, narratives, and interpretations of the antecedents, mechanisms, and/or consequences of entrepreneurship.
This multi-disciplinary, multi-functional, and multi-contextual journal aspires to deepen our understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon in its myriad of forms. The journal publishes entrepreneurship research from (1) the disciplines of economics, psychology, and sociology and welcomes research from other disciplines such as anthropology, geography, history, and so on, (2) the functions of finance/accounting, management, marketing, and strategy and welcomes research from other functions such as operations, information technology, public policy, medicine, law, music, and so on, and (3) the contexts of international and sustainability (environmental and social) and welcomes research from other contexts such as high uncertainty, dynamism, time pressured, emotional, and so on.
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.
The Journal of World Business is a premier journal in the field of international business with a history dating to 1965 with the founding of the Columbia Journal of World Business. JWB publishes cutting-edge research that reflects important developments in the global business environment and advances new theoretical directions and ways of thinking about global phenomena. The journal especially encourages submissions that break new ground or demonstrate novel or counterintuitive findings in relation to established theories or assumptions and welcomes a variety of conceptual and theoretical traditions, including those drawn from allied social and behavioral sciences. Submissions should develop new and/or test existing theory, and empirical papers may employ a range of qualitative, quantitative and other methodologies so long as they are rigorous and appropriate. Although JWB's primary readers are scholars and researchers, the journal values contributions that explore and explicate implications for global enterprises and their managers, as well as consequences for public policy and the broader role of business in society.
JWB welcomes manuscripts in the following areas: Global Political and Economic Environment; Strategic Management; Organizational Behavior; Cross-Cultural Management; Leadership; Human Resources Management; Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. While manuscripts may focus on a single country or small group of countries, all submissions should reflect some cross-border or comparative dimensions, or explore and advance other issues affecting international business, consistent with the global scope of the journal.
The Journal of World Business is a premier journal in the field of international business with a history dating to 1965 with the founding of the Columbia Journal of World Business. JWB publishes cutting-edge research that reflects important developments in the global business environment and advances new theoretical directions and ways of thinking about global phenomena. The journal especially encourages submissions that break new ground or demonstrate novel or counterintuitive findings in relation to established theories or assumptions and welcomes a variety of conceptual and theoretical traditions, including those drawn from allied social and behavioral sciences. Submissions should develop new and/or test existing theory, and empirical papers may employ a range of qualitative, quantitative and other methodologies so long as they are rigorous and appropriate. Although JWB's primary readers are scholars and researchers, the journal values contributions that explore and explicate implications for global enterprises and their managers, as well as consequences for public policy and the broader role of business in society.
JWB welcomes manuscripts in the following areas: Global Political and Economic Environment; Strategic Management; Organizational Behavior; Cross-Cultural Management; Leadership; Human Resources Management; Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. While manuscripts may focus on a single country or small group of countries, all submissions should reflect some cross-border or comparative dimensions, or explore and advance other issues affecting international business, consistent with the global scope of the journal.
Perspectives and Real-life Application of AI in Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Neven Duić is a full professor at the Department of Energy,
Power and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture at University of Zagreb and Chair
of Energy Department of Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences. He
is president of International Centre for Sustainable Development of
Energy, Water and Environment Systems.
His main areas of interests are Energy policy and planning, energy
economics, sustainable development policy and resource planning,
climate change mitigation, combustion engineering and modelling, research and innovation policy.
Prof. dr. sc. Neven Duić is a full professor at the Department of Energy,
Power and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture at University of Zagreb and Chair
of Energy Department of Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences. He
is president of International Centre for Sustainable Development of
Energy, Water and Environment Systems.
His main areas of interests are Energy policy and planning, energy
economics, sustainable development policy and resource planning,
climate change mitigation, combustion engineering and modelling, research and innovation policy.
Mislav Malenica is an AI engineer and entrepreneur focused on
building emotionally intelligent AI solutions that have a positive impact
on the world. Expert in AI, machine learning, game theory and
modeling of human behavior. Mislav is the president of Croatian
Artificial Intelligence Association - CroAI and CEO of Mindsmiths.
Mislav has 16 years of experience in AI, first as a research fellow at
Ruder Boskovic Institute and then later through AI startup endeavours
both in Silicon Valley and Europe.
Mislav Malenica is an AI engineer and entrepreneur focused on
building emotionally intelligent AI solutions that have a positive impact
on the world. Expert in AI, machine learning, game theory and
modeling of human behavior. Mislav is the president of Croatian
Artificial Intelligence Association - CroAI and CEO of Mindsmiths.
Mislav has 16 years of experience in AI, first as a research fellow at
Ruder Boskovic Institute and then later through AI startup endeavours
both in Silicon Valley and Europe.
Vedran Podobnik is a Full Professor at the University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), where he
also received M.Eng. (2006, Electrical Engineering) and Ph.D.
(2010, Computer Science) degrees. He also obtained the M.Phil.
(2013, Technology Policy) degree from the University of
Cambridge, Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK.
He is the founder and Director of the "Social Networking and
Computing Laboratory (socialLAB)" and co-founder of the
"FER's student startup incubator SPOCK". He led several national
and international scientific and industrial projects. Currently, he is
a work package leader in the only national centre of research
excellence (CoRE) in the field of technical sciences, the "CoRE for Data Science and Cooperative
Systems", and the management board member at FER's "Center for Artificial Intelligence".
His teaching and research activities are in transdisciplinary fields of network and data science,
social computing, and technology policy. He co-authored over 100 scientific and professional
papers. His contributions were recognised through a number of national and international awards
in science and education. From 2018, he advises the global technology company Hewlett Packard
Enterprise (HPE) in the fields of data platforms, data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Vedran Podobnik is a Full Professor at the University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), where he
also received M.Eng. (2006, Electrical Engineering) and Ph.D.
(2010, Computer Science) degrees. He also obtained the M.Phil.
(2013, Technology Policy) degree from the University of
Cambridge, Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK.
He is the founder and Director of the "Social Networking and
Computing Laboratory (socialLAB)" and co-founder of the
"FER's student startup incubator SPOCK". He led several national
and international scientific and industrial projects. Currently, he is
a work package leader in the only national centre of research
excellence (CoRE) in the field of technical sciences, the "CoRE for Data Science and Cooperative
Systems", and the management board member at FER's "Center for Artificial Intelligence".
His teaching and research activities are in transdisciplinary fields of network and data science,
social computing, and technology policy. He co-authored over 100 scientific and professional
papers. His contributions were recognised through a number of national and international awards
in science and education. From 2018, he advises the global technology company Hewlett Packard
Enterprise (HPE) in the fields of data platforms, data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Nikola Popović, PhD. was born in Zagreb in 1971. He graduated in
1995 from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. He holds an LLM from the
College of Europe in Bruges and a PhD from the Faculty of Law in
Zagreb where he occasionally contributes as assistant to professor. He
passed the bar exam. He engaged mostly on issues related to the
development of market economy and the harmonization of law and
legal practice with the acquis communautaire. Earlier he worked also
as council member at the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network
Industries, ad hoc council member at the Agency for the Regulation of
Railway Services Market, council deputy chair at the Croatian
Competition Agency and member of the Telecommunications Council.
He has published papers related to network industries liberalization and
market competition. He speaks English and French.
Nikola Popović, PhD. was born in Zagreb in 1971. He graduated in
1995 from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. He holds an LLM from the
College of Europe in Bruges and a PhD from the Faculty of Law in
Zagreb where he occasionally contributes as assistant to professor. He
passed the bar exam. He engaged mostly on issues related to the
development of market economy and the harmonization of law and
legal practice with the acquis communautaire. Earlier he worked also
as council member at the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network
Industries, ad hoc council member at the Agency for the Regulation of
Railway Services Market, council deputy chair at the Croatian
Competition Agency and member of the Telecommunications Council.
He has published papers related to network industries liberalization and
market competition. He speaks English and French.
Technology Innovation and Smart Industries in Small Open Economies – challenges and opportunities
Antonija Mrsic Radas currently works at the Rimac automobili company as
EU Funds Manager. Her work there involves managing team, activities and
processes related to the identification of possible state and EU funding
opportunities, preparation of project proposals, implementation of received aid,
technical and financial monitoring and reporting, as well as national
government and EU institutions affairs.
She has more than 15 years of experience in public, non-governmental and
private sector, having worked in all in all stages of policy cycle (agenda-setting;
drafting strategies, programmes, laws, grants schemes; project assessment; coaching grant applicants
and start-ups; project proposal writing; implementation of aid schemes as a beneficiary; monitoring;
and program evaluation). She is a specialist in Croatian and European research, innovation,
entrepreneurship and competitiveness policy. Ms Mrsic holds a PhD in Public Policy and Development
from the University of Zagreb.
Antonija Mrsic Radas currently works at the Rimac automobili company as
EU Funds Manager. Her work there involves managing team, activities and
processes related to the identification of possible state and EU funding
opportunities, preparation of project proposals, implementation of received aid,
technical and financial monitoring and reporting, as well as national
government and EU institutions affairs.
She has more than 15 years of experience in public, non-governmental and
private sector, having worked in all in all stages of policy cycle (agenda-setting;
drafting strategies, programmes, laws, grants schemes; project assessment; coaching grant applicants
and start-ups; project proposal writing; implementation of aid schemes as a beneficiary; monitoring;
and program evaluation). She is a specialist in Croatian and European research, innovation,
entrepreneurship and competitiveness policy. Ms Mrsic holds a PhD in Public Policy and Development
from the University of Zagreb.
Neven Vrček is researcher, lecturer and former-dean at University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia (UNIZG-FOI). His areas of
academic and professional interest are digital business, digital government,
information society development, organizational performance measurement and
software engineering. He is author of more than eighty scientific papers
( ) and several books.
As a mentor, he successfully advised fifteen PhD candidates and leaded several
scientific projects. Beside academic record, he participated and leaded numerous professional projects
in domains of his interest such as development of national interoperability framework, development of
e-business strategy, implementation of balanced scorecard, development of national e-invoicing
infrastructure, etc. He is member of several professional and academic associations. In period from
2005 to 2019, he was editor of Journal of Organizational and Information Sciences. In period 2014 to
2019 he was dean of FOI. In his career he was head of doctoral program Information Sciences at
UNIZG-FOI, head of postgraduate program Public administration, certified auditor of higher education
institutions and member of scientific boards of several journals and conferences. He is also
professionally involved in consulting activities related to smart industry development and related
disciplines. At the present he presides over Auditing board of Croatian national bank. He is member of
Board of Governors of Ruđer Bošković Institute. He is also Advisory Committee representative of
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics at W3C.
Neven Vrček is researcher, lecturer and former-dean at University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Croatia (UNIZG-FOI). His areas of
academic and professional interest are digital business, digital government,
information society development, organizational performance measurement and
software engineering. He is author of more than eighty scientific papers
( ) and several books.
As a mentor, he successfully advised fifteen PhD candidates and leaded several
scientific projects. Beside academic record, he participated and leaded numerous professional projects
in domains of his interest such as development of national interoperability framework, development of
e-business strategy, implementation of balanced scorecard, development of national e-invoicing
infrastructure, etc. He is member of several professional and academic associations. In period from
2005 to 2019, he was editor of Journal of Organizational and Information Sciences. In period 2014 to
2019 he was dean of FOI. In his career he was head of doctoral program Information Sciences at
UNIZG-FOI, head of postgraduate program Public administration, certified auditor of higher education
institutions and member of scientific boards of several journals and conferences. He is also
professionally involved in consulting activities related to smart industry development and related
disciplines. At the present he presides over Auditing board of Croatian national bank. He is member of
Board of Governors of Ruđer Bošković Institute. He is also Advisory Committee representative of
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics at W3C.
Zlatka Tecec Ribaric is Director of business unit Digital platforms and
systems responsible for new customers, contracting, business
development and development of the key employees. Technical
background in R&D of embedded control systems (focus on application
software) for railway vehicles and infrastructure and power generation
applications (hydro, nuclear, wind and PV power plants). In 2010 she
received Ph.D. degree in the field of embedded control systems for power
plants. Published several papers in scientific journals, and more than 15
papers in international conferences. Also, expert in applying and project management of national and
EU granted projects.
Zlatka Tecec Ribaric is Director of business unit Digital platforms and
systems responsible for new customers, contracting, business
development and development of the key employees. Technical
background in R&D of embedded control systems (focus on application
software) for railway vehicles and infrastructure and power generation
applications (hydro, nuclear, wind and PV power plants). In 2010 she
received Ph.D. degree in the field of embedded control systems for power
plants. Published several papers in scientific journals, and more than 15
papers in international conferences. Also, expert in applying and project management of national and
EU granted projects.
Mislav Malenica is an AI engineer and entrepreneur focused on building
emotionally intelligent AI solutions that have a positive impact on the world.
Expert in AI, machine learning, game theory and modeling of human behavior.
Mislav is the president of Croatian Artificial Intelligence Association - CroAI
and CEO of Mindsmiths. Mislav has 16 years of experience in AI, first as a
research fellow at Ruder Boskovic Institute and then later through AI startup
endeavours both in Silicon Valley and Europe.
Mislav Malenica is an AI engineer and entrepreneur focused on building
emotionally intelligent AI solutions that have a positive impact on the world.
Expert in AI, machine learning, game theory and modeling of human behavior.
Mislav is the president of Croatian Artificial Intelligence Association - CroAI
and CEO of Mindsmiths. Mislav has 16 years of experience in AI, first as a
research fellow at Ruder Boskovic Institute and then later through AI startup
endeavours both in Silicon Valley and Europe.
Bojan Jerbić is a full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, at the Department of Robotics and
Automation. He graduated from the same faculty in 1983 in the field of robotics,
then received his master's degree, and defended his doctorate in 1993 in the field
of artificial intelligence. He studied in the USA, and together with his associates he
maintains cooperation with many European universities. He teaches numerous
courses in the field of autonomous systems design, intelligent robotics and
engineering computing
Bojan Jerbić is a full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, at the Department of Robotics and
Automation. He graduated from the same faculty in 1983 in the field of robotics,
then received his master's degree, and defended his doctorate in 1993 in the field
of artificial intelligence. He studied in the USA, and together with his associates he
maintains cooperation with many European universities. He teaches numerous
courses in the field of autonomous systems design, intelligent robotics and
engineering computing
Digitalisation and Industry 5.0 – Implications on different domains
Petra Berg is a researcher at the School of Marketing and Communication as well as the VEBIC
platform. Her research interests are in energy transitions, sustainability & resilience in sociotechnical macro marketing systems, socio-cultural transition dynamics, energy behavior, biogas
business & ecosystems, and green digitalisation. In her dissertation, she analysed how culturally
inscribed mindsets are translated as discourses, so-called market myths and mythologies, in the
Finnish socio-technical energy marketing system. She is also one of the founding board members
of Nordic Energy Equality Network - NEEN and working actively to include more gender balance
and diversity into the energy sector.
Petra Berg is a researcher at the School of Marketing and Communication as well as the VEBIC
platform. Her research interests are in energy transitions, sustainability & resilience in sociotechnical macro marketing systems, socio-cultural transition dynamics, energy behavior, biogas
business & ecosystems, and green digitalisation. In her dissertation, she analysed how culturally
inscribed mindsets are translated as discourses, so-called market myths and mythologies, in the
Finnish socio-technical energy marketing system. She is also one of the founding board members
of Nordic Energy Equality Network - NEEN and working actively to include more gender balance
and diversity into the energy sector.
Omar Veledar is an innovation management specialist focusing on digital transformation in the
automotive industry. He is tasked with sourcing, setting up and coordinating R&D programs at the
world's largest independent automotive consultancy and research organisation, AVL List
( He focuses on delivering impactful and sustainable business solutions
based on strategic partnerships through involvement in a range of open innovation projects. With
a technical background in electronic engineering and experimental physics, he has extensive
experience in technical leadership of scientific and industrial instrumentation projects. Omar has
recently assumed the role of a co-chair of Mobility Workgroup within Alliance of Internet of
Things ( He is reachable at
Omar Veledar is an innovation management specialist focusing on digital transformation in the
automotive industry. He is tasked with sourcing, setting up and coordinating R&D programs at the
world's largest independent automotive consultancy and research organisation, AVL List
( He focuses on delivering impactful and sustainable business solutions
based on strategic partnerships through involvement in a range of open innovation projects. With
a technical background in electronic engineering and experimental physics, he has extensive
experience in technical leadership of scientific and industrial instrumentation projects. Omar has
recently assumed the role of a co-chair of Mobility Workgroup within Alliance of Internet of
Things ( He is reachable at
Philipe Reinisch is an internationally active project management specialist focusing on managing
large-scale IT transformational programs and emerging technology greenfield projects. His
extensive consortia lead experience includes flagship projects that he ran for the Federation of
Austrian Industries or large corporates in the retail and insurance sector. His latest assignment
included the coordination of the Austrian flagship project for cyber-security in autonomous
vehicles and connected factories Philipe is also the founder of, a nomadic incubator network that connects the thought leaders and
technology experts of the future along the digital Silk Road. You can reach him via
Philipe Reinisch is an internationally active project management specialist focusing on managing
large-scale IT transformational programs and emerging technology greenfield projects. His
extensive consortia lead experience includes flagship projects that he ran for the Federation of
Austrian Industries or large corporates in the retail and insurance sector. His latest assignment
included the coordination of the Austrian flagship project for cyber-security in autonomous
vehicles and connected factories Philipe is also the founder of, a nomadic incubator network that connects the thought leaders and
technology experts of the future along the digital Silk Road. You can reach him via
Bruno Woeran is currently Head Research Management & Technology Transfer for – Paracelsus Private Medical University. Until recently, he was EU Affairs and
Innovation Networks Manager for OY AB, Finland. Previously he held
positions as Senior Advisor EU- R&D and Open Inno Networks at; Research
Grant Officer and Senior Expert Controlling Austria. In 2010 he served as Senior
Consultant ICT at Technology Management Ltd. in Vienna, on strategic
technology development in Europe.
Bruno Woeran is currently Head Research Management & Technology Transfer for – Paracelsus Private Medical University. Until recently, he was EU Affairs and
Innovation Networks Manager for OY AB, Finland. Previously he held
positions as Senior Advisor EU- R&D and Open Inno Networks at; Research
Grant Officer and Senior Expert Controlling Austria. In 2010 he served as Senior
Consultant ICT at Technology Management Ltd. in Vienna, on strategic
technology development in Europe.
Georg Macher is Senior Scientist and leads the Industrial Informatics research group at Graz
University of Technology. His research activities focus on safety and cyber-security of embedded
systems in the industrial context. He is also an industry consultant, coach, and trainer specialising
in the automotive domain. In addition, he focuses on digital business innovation. Georg is
reachable via
Georg Macher is Senior Scientist and leads the Industrial Informatics research group at Graz
University of Technology. His research activities focus on safety and cyber-security of embedded
systems in the industrial context. He is also an industry consultant, coach, and trainer specialising
in the automotive domain. In addition, he focuses on digital business innovation. Georg is
reachable via
How our scientific and professional association can help entrepreneurs in their endeavor?
Mohamed El Dallal has since been able to turn his
passions into reality through various projects. He is a
serial entrepreneur and currently the co-founder and
CEO of Innovideas LLC. for Marketing &
Advertising. He is the co-founder of Dcodes LLC.
for software solutions”, and Co-founder and board
member of Techne Summit, a yearly international
conference aimed at supporting and encouraging
technological entrepreneurship in Egypt.
Mohamed is also an avid volunteer, participating
with several NGOs, projects, and youth initiatives
both inside and outside of Egypt since 2009. He is currently a Global Shaper – an initiative from
the world economic forum, a Member of the Egyptian junior business association (EJB), Rotarian
as well as an IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) Entrepreneurship Initiative team leader, Vice-Chair of IEEE
Young Professionals MGA, and IEEE Region 8 Professional and Educational Activities
Due to his versatile experience in entrepreneurship, Mohamed has been selected as a representative
of youth, entrepreneurs, and future leaders of the Arab world in many international conferences.
The most recent of which was his participation in the first Arab Youth Forum as a part of the World
Government Summit held in Dubai in 2017, and the World Economic Forum at Davos in 2015,
where he was one of the youngest participants.
El Dallal possesses a BSc degree in Computer & Communication Engineering, is an MBA holder
with a specialty in International Business, and is a researcher in the digital marketing field.
Mohamed is a 2021 Affinity Groups: YPs Liaison on the 2021 IEEE Entrepreneurship
Steering Committee.
Mohamed El Dallal has since been able to turn his
passions into reality through various projects. He is a
serial entrepreneur and currently the co-founder and
CEO of Innovideas LLC. for Marketing &
Advertising. He is the co-founder of Dcodes LLC.
for software solutions”, and Co-founder and board
member of Techne Summit, a yearly international
conference aimed at supporting and encouraging
technological entrepreneurship in Egypt.
Mohamed is also an avid volunteer, participating
with several NGOs, projects, and youth initiatives
both inside and outside of Egypt since 2009. He is currently a Global Shaper – an initiative from
the world economic forum, a Member of the Egyptian junior business association (EJB), Rotarian
as well as an IEEE Region 8 (EMEA) Entrepreneurship Initiative team leader, Vice-Chair of IEEE
Young Professionals MGA, and IEEE Region 8 Professional and Educational Activities
Due to his versatile experience in entrepreneurship, Mohamed has been selected as a representative
of youth, entrepreneurs, and future leaders of the Arab world in many international conferences.
The most recent of which was his participation in the first Arab Youth Forum as a part of the World
Government Summit held in Dubai in 2017, and the World Economic Forum at Davos in 2015,
where he was one of the youngest participants.
El Dallal possesses a BSc degree in Computer & Communication Engineering, is an MBA holder
with a specialty in International Business, and is a researcher in the digital marketing field.
Mohamed is a 2021 Affinity Groups: YPs Liaison on the 2021 IEEE Entrepreneurship
Steering Committee.
Vincenzo Piuri has received his Ph.D. in computer engineering at
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (1989). He is Full Professor in computer
engineering at the University of Milan, Italy (since 2000). He has
been Associate Professor at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy and Visiting
Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, and visiting
researcher at George Mason University, USA.
His main research interests are: artificial intelligence, computational
intelligence, intelligent systems, machine learning, pattern analysis
and recognition, signal and image processing, biometrics, intelligent
measurement systems, industrial applications, digital processing
architectures, fault tolerance, cloud computing infrastructures, and
internet-of-things. Original results have been published in 400+
papers in international journals, proceedings of international
conferences, books, and book chapters.
He is Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished Scientist of ACM, and Senior Member of INNS. He is
President of the IEEE Systems Council (2020-21) and IEEE Region 8 Director-elect (2021-22),
and has been IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities (2015), IEEE Director, President of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Vice President for Education of the IEEE Biometrics
Council, Vice President for Publications of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
and the IEEE Systems Council, and Vice President for Membership of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society.
He has been Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Systems Journal (2013-19). He is Associate Editor of the
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions
on Computers, the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, and IEEE Access.
He received the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Technical Award (2002) and the
IEEE TAB Hall of Honor (2019). He is Honorary Professor at: Obuda University, Hungary;
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China; Northeastern University, China;
Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan; Amity University, India; and Galgotias University, India.
Vincenzo Piuri has received his Ph.D. in computer engineering at
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (1989). He is Full Professor in computer
engineering at the University of Milan, Italy (since 2000). He has
been Associate Professor at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy and Visiting
Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, and visiting
researcher at George Mason University, USA.
His main research interests are: artificial intelligence, computational
intelligence, intelligent systems, machine learning, pattern analysis
and recognition, signal and image processing, biometrics, intelligent
measurement systems, industrial applications, digital processing
architectures, fault tolerance, cloud computing infrastructures, and
internet-of-things. Original results have been published in 400+
papers in international journals, proceedings of international
conferences, books, and book chapters.
He is Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished Scientist of ACM, and Senior Member of INNS. He is
President of the IEEE Systems Council (2020-21) and IEEE Region 8 Director-elect (2021-22),
and has been IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities (2015), IEEE Director, President of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Vice President for Education of the IEEE Biometrics
Council, Vice President for Publications of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
and the IEEE Systems Council, and Vice President for Membership of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society.
He has been Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Systems Journal (2013-19). He is Associate Editor of the
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions
on Computers, the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, and IEEE Access.
He received the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Technical Award (2002) and the
IEEE TAB Hall of Honor (2019). He is Honorary Professor at: Obuda University, Hungary;
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China; Northeastern University, China;
Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan; Amity University, India; and Galgotias University, India.
Joanne Wong is General Partner of REDDS Capital, a
Californian-based VC firm investing in global early-stage &
seed level IT startups. She is Executive Director of a not-forprofit charity startup, The SuperComputer for Cancer
Research, providing free high performance and high
throughput cloud services for cancer researchers around the
world. She is a mentor for multiple AI startups. She is Director
of Commercialization Strategies at STAR Associates,
providing financial and technical advisory services to help
companies in emerging technologies go to the next level.
Joanne is Member at Large on the 2021 IEEE
Entrepreneurship Steering Committee. She was an Executive Officer (Secretary) on the 2019
& 2020 IEEE TEMS Executive Committee and Board of Governors.
Joanne Wong is General Partner of REDDS Capital, a
Californian-based VC firm investing in global early-stage &
seed level IT startups. She is Executive Director of a not-forprofit charity startup, The SuperComputer for Cancer
Research, providing free high performance and high
throughput cloud services for cancer researchers around the
world. She is a mentor for multiple AI startups. She is Director
of Commercialization Strategies at STAR Associates,
providing financial and technical advisory services to help
companies in emerging technologies go to the next level.
Joanne is Member at Large on the 2021 IEEE
Entrepreneurship Steering Committee. She was an Executive Officer (Secretary) on the 2019
& 2020 IEEE TEMS Executive Committee and Board of Governors.
Engineers as Innovation Leaders: How to Prepare the Next Generation?
Stéphane Gagnon is Associate Professor of Business Technology Management (BTM) with the Department of Administrative Sciences at the University of Quebec in Outaouais (UQO).
Dr. Kongar has been utilizing various quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques in her interdisciplinary and technology-driven research. She has published over one hundred well-cited papers in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. Her research areas include economically and environmentally sustainable waste recovery systems and operations, disassembly sequencing
Dr. Kongar has been utilizing various quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques in her interdisciplinary and technology-driven research. She has published over one hundred well-cited papers in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. Her research areas include economically and environmentally sustainable waste recovery systems and operations, disassembly sequencing
Telecom Engineer MBA, PMP Certified by PMI, Member of the IEEE TEMS Board of Governors, Member of Professional Education Activities Committee, Member of the IEEE TEMS Business Development Committee, Member of the Memebership Development Committee, Member of the IEEE TEMS Conferences Committee, Co Chair of the IEEE TEMS Blockchain Technical Committee, General Chair of the IEEE TEMS Latinamerican Forum on Industry, Editorial Board Coordinator of the Smart Cities Education committee, Editor in Chief and Project Manager of the IEEE TEMS Body of Knowledge publication initiative , Project Manager in the private industry , Invited Expert to the International Telecommunication Union U4SSC Smart Cities initiative, Editor in Chief of the IEEE COMSOC Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge, Former IEEE Directior of Region 9 Latinamerica.
Telecom Engineer MBA, PMP Certified by PMI, Member of the IEEE TEMS Board of Governors, Member of Professional Education Activities Committee, Member of the IEEE TEMS Business Development Committee, Member of the Memebership Development Committee, Member of the IEEE TEMS Conferences Committee, Co Chair of the IEEE TEMS Blockchain Technical Committee, General Chair of the IEEE TEMS Latinamerican Forum on Industry, Editorial Board Coordinator of the Smart Cities Education committee, Editor in Chief and Project Manager of the IEEE TEMS Body of Knowledge publication initiative , Project Manager in the private industry , Invited Expert to the International Telecommunication Union U4SSC Smart Cities initiative, Editor in Chief of the IEEE COMSOC Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge, Former IEEE Directior of Region 9 Latinamerica.
Call for papers
Innovation has become one of the most important activities in firms. The higher level of internal, external clusters, and networks empower innovation to enlarge the knowledge base, which would induce firms to apply it on a global level. With advancements in information technologies the need arises to redefine our understanding of what constitutes innovation networks. The advancements in the field of artificial intelligence enable entrepreneurs to differentiate themselves from rivals in previously unprecedented ways and to harness the benefits of innovation networks through novel channels. This helps in formulating causal linkages between Innovation Networks, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
· Paper Submissions Due: 26 February 2022
· Notification of Acceptance: 10 March 2022
· Revisions Due (For Papers Requiring Revisions): 10 Apr 2022
· Final Papers Due: 16 April 2022(there will be a $250 per-paper penalty for payments received after this date)
· Per-Paper author registration due: 02 May 2022 (there will be a $250 per-paper penalty for payments received after this date) ·
Topic areas include but are not limited to:
– Entrepreneurship
– Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
– Business Models in New Technologies
– Technology Advancements in Artificial Intelligence
– Technology Forecasting
– Legal, Ethics, and Social frameworks
– Technology Management
– Technology in Society
– New opportunities using technology and global networks
– Open innovation practices &disruptive innovation
– Networks and HRM Application of Industry 4.0 Digital transformation
– Network artificial intelligence, machine learning and reasoning
– Managing Globalization Challenges
– Integrated Frameworks New Business Venturing
– IT in education Education for STEM
– Knowledge Management
– People and organizations Human Factors for Design
We invite contributions from engineering leaders, researchers, educators, innovators, entrepreneurs, and students to help advance the understanding and the state of practice related to successful technology and engineering management. Contributions may take the form of academic research or practice-focused papers.
Research papers may be conceptual, empirical, or theoretical, but they must discuss how the results could be applied in practice. Practice-focused papers may consist of case studies, description of best practices, or application experiences, but they should also shed light on new challenges and unresolved future issues, which could be addressed by the research community. We thus provide a venue where different points of view interact to yield a new understanding and new ideas on leading innovation processes as well as the future of technology and engineering management.
Acceptance of papers for presentation at TEMSCON 2022 will be based on a full paper review (not an abstract review). Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®.
Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in an issue of our flagship journals. This would include research articles suitable for our journal IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE TEM) and practical and case study articles suitable for our journal of practice, the IEEE Engineering Management Review (IEEE EMR). All papers would have to be suitably expanded beyond the conference paper for IEEE TEM. IEEE EMR submissions would need to be edited, targeted and formatted for one of three types of papers published by IEEE EMR. Each paper will be subject to the corresponding journal’s rigorous peer review process.
There is a two-tiered pricing structure to publish at and attend TEMSCON 2022. All attendees must pay the conference registration fee, which is based on the person’s IEEE membership level. In addition, there is a publication fee for each paper, with the cost depending on whether the author is seeking to be published in IEEE Xplore or seeking to be published in the IEEE Open Access Journal[BM2] . Find more information on the registration process on
Note: The conference will be taking place in virtual mode this year due to COVID conditions
General chairs: Marina Dabić, Andy Chen
Technical program chair: Tugrul Daim
Finance chair: William Marshall
Local arrangements chairs: Nebojša Stojčić, Jurica Pavičić, Nina Begičević Ređep
Industry program chairs: Vincenzo Piuri, Robert Bierwolf
Publicity chairs: George Criscione, Vishwas Jois, Ravikiran Annaswamy, Aisha Nazia Nasir Mayin
Publications chairs: Ed Perkins, Edwin Garces
Monday, May 17
08:30 ‑ 09:00 OP: Welcome Remarks
09:00 ‑ 10:00 P1: Opening Keynote: “Strategic Agility in The Age of Disruption”
10.30 – 11.00 EU1: Digital Transformation I
12:00 ‑ 13:00 MLB: Lunch Break
14:00 ‑ 14:30 EU2: Digital Transformation II
15:00 – 17:00 EU3: Digital Transformation III
17:00 ‑ 18:00 P2: Keynote: “Digital Transformation: Evaluating Emerging Technologies”
18:00 ‑ 19:00 PNL1: Plenary: Panel – Meet the Editors I
19:00 – 21:00 NA1: Digital Transformation IV
21:00 ‑ 23:00 NA2: Technology Management I
Tuesday, May 18
04:00 – 06:00 AS1: Digital Transformation V
06:00 ‑ 07:00 TB: Break
07:00 – 09:00 AS2: Digital Transformation VI
09:00 – 10:00 P3: Keynote: “Digital Entrepreneurship: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation for Digitalization Success”
10:00 – 11:00 PNL2: Plenary: Panel – Meet the Editors II
11:00 – 13:00 EU4: Technology and Society I
13:00 – 14:00 TULB: Lunch Break
14:00 – 16:00 EU5: Technology and Society II
16:00 – 18:00 EU6: Technology and Society III
18:00 – 19:00 P4: Plenary: Keynote
19:00 – 21:00 NA3: Engineering Management I
21:00 – 23:00 NA4: Technology Management II
Wednesday, May 19
04:00 ‑ 06:00 AS3: Engineering Management II
06:00 ‑ 07:00 WB: Break
07:00 – 09:00 AS4: Technology Management III
09:00 – 10:00 P5: Plenary: Keynote
10:00 – 12:00 EU7: Engineering Management III, EU8: Technology and Society IV
12:00 – 13:00 WLB: Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:00 EU10: Technology and Society V, EU9: Engineering Management IV
15:00 – 17:00 EU11: Engineering Management V, EU12: Engineering Management VI
Thursday, May 20
09:00 – 10.30 BFI: Business Forum I
10.30 – 12.00 BFII: Business Forum II
12:00 – 13:00 PNL3: Panel: Digitalisation and Industry 5.0 – Implications on different domains
13:00 – 16:00 EF: Entrepreneurial Forum
18:00 – 20:00 PhD: PhD Forum
View the full TEMSCON 2021 schedule here